Beyond AI: The Human Edge in Content Creation and SEO

Posted by ImageWorks Creative Team February 09, 2024
Contrast of human creativity and AI in digital marketing, emphasizing human insight over AI limitations.


Today, Artificial Intelligence writing tools are more versatile than ever. They can shave hours of writing time off of your content writing schedule, and for most businesses who are operating on a lean budget, this time savings translates to money in the bank.

However, AI writing aids aren’t all they’re hyped up to be. The New York Times is suing leading AI tool ChatGPT for its use of copyrighted materials. Several authors are suing the app after their books were found in its database. There are concerns that Google may begin to penalize sites who use AI to generate most of their content. Legal issues notwithstanding, there are several reasons why AI can’t replace human content writers.

Oversight and Nuance

We’re not in the business of blindly trashing the competition. We did try out several AI writing programs, and we learned a few things. One of them is that AI is often wrong. Because it’s scraping information from the entire internet, AI has no way of knowing if the information it’s returning to you is correct or not. If you’re writing a blog post that includes information that may change over time, you could find yourself sharing incorrect or obsolete information. That’s not going to make your brand look reliable in the long run.

AI also can’t convey a sense of humor or tell a story in a way that brings an emotional response. That’s an important part of storytelling, and could have an impact on your relationship building. If you're using AI to build your blog posts, you may still have to do a lot of editing to make sure those posts fit your brand tone, and that’s going to be time-consuming.

User Experience

AI doesn’t care about user experience. It doesn't care if your readers are enjoying what they read. It may have dropped sentences or be repeating something incorrect it found elsewhere. For another test we attempted, AI returned a piece of copy that was full of emojis. While that might be appropriate if the copy is for a social media post aimed at twenty-somethings, it’s not the best choice for blog posts that we want to use to both connect with potential leads and bring us some extra SEO.

A blog post filled with emojis isn’t easily readable for many people, and that makes for a negative user experience. When you’re working with a creative agency like ImageWorks Creative to design a great website, the user experience is a part of what you’re paying for. Why ruin it with awful content?

Adaptability to Google Algorithm Changes

If you’ve owned a website for any length of time, you know that Google changes their algorithm regularly, sometimes multiple times a day.

As a company that provides web maintenance services, we’re in a position to respond to those changes almost immediately. AI is not. A delay in making necessary changes could lead to penalties against your website for violating Google’s rules; those penalties could set you back months in your SEO endeavors. Having solid web maintenance plans like ours helps ensure that your site can be responsive to those changes.

Keyword Density and Context

AI doesn’t understand the subtleties of language. Sure, it can communicate the basics, but keyword ranking work isn’t black and white.

You can’t stuff a keyword in where it doesn’t belong. One of the things that writers often struggle with is how to work a keyword into a sentence so that it reads naturally when human eyes digest your content; web content isn’t written just for Google’s bots, after all. AI sentences are often rough and clunky simply because they can’t get the context right.

The keyword density of AI-written blog posts may not be right, either. Whether it’s because you edit the post after AI starts it, or because AI doesn’t understand the optimal percentages, you may have way too many uses of a particular term, which could get you penalized for keyword stuffing, or too few, which means that piece of content may not rank. Artificial writing programs may also struggle with local SEO, especially if you live outside of major metropolitan areas. Having a solid Website SEO plan, like the one offered by ImageWorks Creative, eliminates the need for AI-driven copy.

Conclusion & Competitor Analysis

An important part of your SEO strategy is competitor analysis. Most web design companies who also provide content writing services will include content analysis as part of your SEO strategy because it’s a necessary component. It’s also often an ongoing process that is part of many web maintenance services. But Artificial Intelligence writing tools don’t take that important feature of your SEO strategy into consideration. It can lead to a product that doesn’t fulfill the job that you need it to do.

Are you looking for a solution to your blog content writing needs that won't put more responsibilities on your already-full plate, but won't leave you relying on the uncertainties of AI? ImageWorks Creative offers web design services, SEO services, and blogging plans that could put professionally-written content on your site, increasing your page rank and your leads bank! Click here to start the process of getting a proposal!

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